• Title

    McDonnell Douglas Information Systems (1986)

  • Starring

The first business (then corporate) television commission Reeltime Pictures received was in 1985, a year after the company was formed.

McDonnell Douglas Information Systems was a subsidiary of the giant McDonnell Douglas aircraft company in America. They were specialists in computer solutions for business and had a range of specialities, including Police, Health, CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design or Manufacturing), Local Government, etc.

We were commissioned to make a series of short customer story videos to screen at their annual sales conference in 1986.

Each video focused on one customer … and the three I’ve chosen from the ten we made are: Swedish telecommunications company Televerket, British heavy industry expert HDA Forgings and French model toy manufacturer Majorette.

The intent was to instil a feeling of ‘esprit de corps’ amongst the sales force and inspire them to greater success the following year!

I had a policy of trying to use actors I knew and Jon Pertwee was employed to do the voiceovers. A real professional … he was a joy to work with. Also, doing an English voiceover for a French speaking interviewee was the one and only Michael Wisher.

These are interesting snapshots of the time they were made in. Both technically … and the fashions people were wearing! We were one of the first companies that offered quality production at an affordable price and the videos were a sensation at the conference – we actually got applause!!!

Hope you enjoy them … at only about 5 minutes length each you can’t get too bored!

– Keith Barnfather

(These productions are being made available for educational purposes at no charge. We have asked permission where possible, but if you have any queries to raise with us please contact us).

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