Nigel Robinson
Writer for Doctor Who, 1980s-present
Nigel Robinson has a longstanding association with the prose side of Doctor Who. He was Editor near the end of the Target novelisation range in the 1980s when he also wrote a trio of Quiz Books, a Crossword Puzzle book and several novelisations of Doctor Who stories.
This made him one of only three authors to write for the Target novelisation range without any previous connection to either the writing of scripts or production of Doctor Who.
Nigel went on to write two early novels in the Virgin New Adventures original fiction series, as well as numerous short stories. His most recent contributions to the franchise have been scripts for the Big Finish and BBC audio dramas and books.
Aside from Doctor Who, Nigel has (so far!) written more than 60 fiction and non-fiction books and is today based in London working as a freelance editor and writer of fiction and journalist for several lifestyle magazines.
Not much to talk about then … !
Technical details, RTP 0475
80 mins approx.
Year of release
Language track
Audio output
Aspect ratio
High Defintion
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